If you have custom types and custom ASP.NET MVC Helpers, and if you set your Visual Studio Web Project’s Build Output Path folder to something other than the default bin\ location, then you will be in for a little surprise - you will not see your custom types in the Razor Intellisense!

It appears that Razor’s Intellisense uses the assembly binding probing path of your Web Project’s root folder and the bin sub-folder.

If your Build Output Path is a sub-folder of your Web Project application base folder / root folder (although I don’t understand why you would bother) you could make a change to the web.config file and add a probing privatePath configuration such as:

2    <runtime>
3        <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
4            <probing privatePath="myBin" />
5        </assemblyBinding>
6    </runtime>

However, in the more likely scenario that you have a common central location for all of your assemblies that is outside of your Web Project application base folder / root folder, then unfortunately by design (for security and side-by-side execution) there is no configuration setting in .NET that is going to help. You cannot load assemblies from outside of your application base folder (via configuration in .NET) - unless they are strong named and in the GAC.

In my scenario, the Build Output Path is outside of the Web Project’s root folder, so configuration is not an option, and my assemblies are not strong named, so the GAC is not an option.

One solution is to create a Visual Studio 2010 Extension or post-build script that copies all the assemblies from my custom Build Output Path into the local bin sub-folder. That would work, although it would also slow down my build times and frankly isn’t elegant.

A better solution is to take advantage of the fact that in my scenario the bin sub-folder does not actually exist in my Web Projects. I can make it exist in Windows 7 by creating a symbolic link named bin which points to my Build Output Path - and then magically Razor Intellisense works!

Note that when you create a symbolic link you need to have Administrator privileges.

The syntax to create the symbolic link is:

1mklink /d x:\MyWebProject\bin y:\MyCommonAssembly\Bin
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